Orange Jam
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General information
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Information :
Orange jam is made by cooking orange with sugar and water. This product can be kept and stored in closed containers for a long time. This is a low-fat jam recipe that you can enjoy on a road trip, picnic, and even game night. Orange is a fruit rich in vitamin C and this is a source of potassium and vitamin B. You can use the properties of this valuable fruit in all seasons by preparing orange jam. Using this jam in a meal improves the immune system and prevents diseases. Oranges are rich in vitamins B and C, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and copper. All these properties are also present in its jam.

The nutrients in oranges offer a range of health benefits .Orange is one of the fruits rich in vitamin C and it have high levels even compared to other citrus. It is useful in preventing diseases such as Heart attack, high blood pressure and a variety of cancers.
Product benefits
Orange Jam
Benefits :
- Having nutritional benefits
- Supplementing diet with vitamins
- Having antioxidants
- Protecting cells to scavenge
- Neutralizing harmful free radicals
- Boosting a person’s immunity
- Reducing risk of colon cancer
- Containing fiber, potassium and choline
- Helping to lower blood pressure
- Protecting against stroke
How to Produce
How To
Produce :
In the first step, Start by removing any leaves and twigs, wash the fruit, and remove any stones. Add the orange to a pan big enough to ensure the fruit does not reach more than halfway up the side. Depending on the type of fruit used in cooking the jam and actual recipe, there may be a number of additional ingredients added to the pot such as cinnamon, spices, ginger and lemon juice (for fruit with little in the way of natural acid).

One of the most important points in preparing quality jam is the use of quality raw materials. It is serious that any fruit being used as an ingredient should be clean, fresh, in good condition (not rotten, moldy or overripe) and completely dry. If the fruit is damp or wet, then the water may actually dilute the natural pectin and prevent the preserve from achieving a good set. For cooking jam, half fruit and half sugar or 600 grams of sugar per 400 grams of fruit is used. Boiling is one of the most important steps in cooking jam because boiling the jam removes excess pectin from the fruit. In jam, pectin forms a mesh that traps the sugary liquid and cradles suspended pieces of fruit.
Packaging :
As far as packaging is concerned, there are various options – cups, glasses, cans, buckets. We can provide orange Jam in each quantity that our client wants, there are no limited in weight and destination or in packed.